Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Is your vehicle loaded?

Todays issue centers on weapon permits, and who should not be allowed to carry a concealed weapon. I find it ridiculous to allow someone to arm themselves at work outside law enforcement. But that is just what some people are asking their local and state government, the ability to while on the clock have your glock in the truck. We'll explore some reasons not to allow this sort of marshall law in a few moments.

I live in a small southern town, its population consists of prodominately whites, but a large portion of black and latino also reside here, not necessarily side by side either...know what I mean? Anyway, that is another topic for a different forum. I was at the local shopping center awhile back and to my surprise standing in line was a man paying for his purchase while packing a six shooter at his hip. Yes I was definately shocked to see this man just standing there packing heat and no one batted an eye. He apparently is well known for having his weapon at his side at all times, wherever he may go. He owns a local liquor store and is best known for his ability to not be robbed, go figure. I wonder about the thought process that would allow someone who sells alcohol for a living and probably sees booze in his sleep, wear a gun at the local stores and theaters. I'm not implying that he or anyone who works in the alcoholic industry is a drunk waiting to shoot someone, I just think separation from the two should be expected.

Now we were talking about examples of why we shouldn't allow guns at work. On one hand I'm sure it might curtail some of the work place violence that takes place on a daily basis. If you know that most of your co-workers have guns and they know how to use them, one might rethink coming to the job ready to kill innocent people. And that is what is most bothersome, people kill those who mainly have done nothing to them, heck they might not know this guys first or last name. Especially if he or she works at plant and each persons hours vary day and night. If "Billy" gets fired 'cause he is a sorrow employee then take it like the lazy SOB you are and go find another job, do not come back later and kill anyone who's still putting in his hours for daily pay. If you really think its ok to have guns on the rack of the pickup truck in the employee parking lot then your as crazy as those idiots who do the shooting, justifying it by saying they all did me wrong in some way.

There are some states where the local schools take time off so that people can go hunting, and gun racks are as common as say toolboxes or hunting wear. However if that student were to return to school grounds and forget to take the gun off the rack, he will be expelled from school no matter if there are one hundred days or just one day left his high school career. But we understand why there shouldn't be any weapons at our schools, but its alright to have them at work?? I know that in theory adults should be more mature than say a high schooler, but when "Billy" shows up, getting passed security somehow at the local A&P Processing plant, is he really any better. I say as much as society beacons us to take extreme measures to protect oneself, we have to eliminate the ability to act out of aggression using what should be left at home to protect our families with. There are too many tragic stories out there where the Loved one went to work only to not come home 'cause some loser had his boss can him for lousy work or whatever. There are warning signs to help identify that "Billy," we all can help but it starts with local and state legislature preventing such acts to pass as laws. It most assuredly makes the business the first responders, if you think there is going to be trouble, please alert local law enforcement and they will make sure "Billy" gets home and you too safely and ready for the next day...enjoy your families, someone out there isn't able to because someone brought their home problems to work and it was a loaded weapon that was in their vehicle...It shouldn't be that easy!!

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