Monday, June 9, 2008

Did you hear a click or a thud the last time you pumped gas??

Ask anyone about the weather and they usually have a response, its either too hot or too cold. There is never really a middle ground, we all feel to some degree the temp is not where we'd like it to be. If we then can openly complain about something we have no control over, other than adjusting the way we dress, or the mere pushing of a button for relief. How is it possible that we as a American have no way to control the price we pay for GAS?? It's remarkable how everyday the price per barrell sets an alltime record.
I know we all have felt the crunch by now, and if you haven't, that my friends is the problem. Collectively if we "all" didn't allow the oil companies to dig into our pockets then what do you think would happen. When is the last time you think one of these gurus pumped gas at over $4.00 a gallon and said to themselves" man what the heck, I just pumped $50.00 and my tank still isn't full?" Do you really think they are feeling the crunch as well? I say if they were then someone would have if not already done something about it. I do not fault them for having the fortitude to be the haves verse the haves not, I know I wish I had that problem.
The people who are being forgotton are those who make minimum wage or have a one income household, and cannot afford the inflation as it were. My household has two sources of income and it's not easy since I travel about 350 miles a week for my job. We however manage, but I don't see any help from Uncle Sam do you? I know there are no easy answers, 'cause if I had them then I'd be one of those Guru's. I am simply saying that there are people out there who if help doesn't arrive soon will be knocking on the door to bancruptcy, and that is a different demon all its own.
Tommorrow I will get to more of this conversation and the fight or plight we as Americans are facing , we haven't begun to talk yet about foreclosures day we woke up and it all went bad.
On the sports side of things my LSU Tigers pounded their way into Omaha, outstanding offensive performance this evening. Not to be left unplugged, Mr. Ken Griffey Jr. hit his 600th Homerun today and Cooperstown he is headed when all is said and done, hats off to you sir.

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