Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The late Tim Russert

I was on my way to bed when flicking channels I came across the eulogy given by the late Tim Russerts son. I did not know him other than what was displayed on television and the likes. But listening to a son eulogize a Father in such a loving way and understanding how difficult it is to do so for a loved one. I was touched that he could do it in a manner fitting such a tribute but yet still giving it the emotion that I can only imagine would have made his Father proud. I know that from all account the family was pretty close and Tim Russert was well respected in his field, so many of our loved ones have gone on and they were not forgotton especially this past weekend. For all those Sons and Fathers who have only the memories to hold onto, keep them daily in your hearts because daily you pay homage to their lives and they are always proud you were their Son or Father. I am lucky to still have my Dad with me, and maybe later I'll be able to tell him I'm proud to have such an influence in my life, and most of all ....thanks!!

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